Dental care

Take care of your implants as follows


Crowns and bridges

When you have a dental crown or bridge on your implants, these should be cleaned just like you clean your natural teeth. The most important places that need cleaning are the junctions between the crowns and gums and the spaces between the crowns. The best way to clean the junctions between the gums and crowns is by using Implaclean® in combination with a soft toothbrush. This is done to prevent damage to the gums. The spaces between the different crowns can be cleaned with an interdental brush, super-floss or toothpick.

Ball and magnet constructions

After you have removed your denture, use a soft toothbrush with a small head to clean the ball and magnet constructions. You can also use an electric or child toothbrush. People find these brushes very effective for that purpose. The most important places that need cleaning are the junctions between the gums and the ball and magnet constructions. Place the toothbrush on the junction and make a horizontal motion. The brush should touch the gums. Do not push too hard because pressure has nothing to do with cleaning well. If necessary use your other hand to move your upper or lower lip out of the way in order to have a better overview.
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Bar constructions

When you have a bar construction on your implants, it is important that you brush the junctions between the construction and the gums. You can follow the instructions for ball and magnet constructions mentioned above. It is also advisable that you clean under the construction with an interdental brush, super-floss or a shoelace. This is easily accomplished by flossing. Interdental brushes and super-floss are available at the pharmacy or drugstore.


The transitions of the gum to the relevant conversion must be kept clean. If not properly cared for, this can lead to inflammation of the gums which in turn can turn into an inflamed jawbone and eventually cause you to lose your implants. This can be prevented by applying the hygiene instructions mentioned here. If you still continue to experience gingival bleeding, contact your dentist.