Instant Adjusting Bar

Instant adjusting bar

The ready-to-use, pre-fabricated bar adjusts itself automatically

  • 100% stress-free construction 
  • no need for casting, soldering, laser welding or scanning
  • enormous reduction in cost and time
  • fully titanium fabricated
  • simple clinical and laboratory procedure

The patented, pre-fabricated Dyna Instant Adjusting Bar® adds a new dimension to prosthetic constructions of bar-supported overdentures in implantology. It can be placed directly and without any tension on every pair of (non)parallel implants or implant analogues on the working cast. The ready-to-use, pre-fabricated, Titanium bar adjusts itself automatically, fully stress-free to the implant or analogue position, when threading the fixation screws. The laboratory can immediately make the complete suprastructure with the retention parts without worrying about the fit of the bar construction in the mouth of the patient. This system substantially reduces time and costs for dentist, dental technician and patient!


The idea of the patented Dyna Instant Adjusting Bar® System is based on a simple joint-like connection. The bar can adjust itself in length and the joint gives a stress-free fit on the (angulated) implants up to 18 degrees.


The Dyna IA Bar® can only be used in combination with two implants. It is however possible to produce overdentures supported by e.g. 2 bars. The position of the implants is very important as the bar system cannot be adjusted to labial or lingual. The use of a drilling guide is recommended.


  • Unfavourable lingual labial position of implants
  • Implants inserted < 16mm or > 26,5mm from each other


The IA Bar consists of universal bar joints, extension abutments (available in different trans-gingival lengths), a round shaped bar and fixation screws. There is a possibility to use extension abutments of 0 till 6mm.

Required instruments are a hex driver (5181S) and a single slot driver (5081S).